Image: Dr. Jay BrinsonPassion/Purpose

To encourage, assist, and challenge Pastors, staffs, lay leaders, and churches to grow Spiritually, Numerically, and Financially.

Present Ministry

Founder/President S.O.A.R. – 2010
S.O.A.R.  Serving One Another Resources


Co-Founder / CEO F.R.F. – 2022

First Responder Fellowship

Board of Directors
Louisiana Baptist University, Shreveport, La.


Influence people like Jesus

Principles from Proverbs


  • Dr. Jimmy Draper, Former President SBC, President Emeritus Life Way
  • Robert Roberts, Former Director of Missions, (DOM)  – South Florida Baptist Association and Orange Blossom Baptist Association
  • Richard Williamson, DOM South Florida Baptist Association
  • Dr. Aaron Burgner, Sr. Pastor, Lakes Church, Lakeland 
  • Matt McGraw, Sr. Pastor, First Baptist Church, Bartow, FL
  • Aaron Fillipone, Sr. Pastor, Indian Rocks Baptist Church, Clearwater, Fl
  • Steve Turbeville, Director, Lighthouse ministries, Lakeland, FL.
    • Steve Served with me for 22 years in a leadership role at Ardella Baptist.
  • Aaron Burgner, Matt McGraw and Aaron Fillipone were saved, baptized, discipled and surrendered to ministry at Ardella Baptist church during my 21-year tenure

*Additional References available upon request*



Email: Contact Jay